However, you need to first get the game seated well and snug in your computer's drive space. I bet you're just itching to have fun with your friends and family on this new otherworldly experience.
You're almost ready to have fun with your friends and loved ones to have fun in the best virtual experience of the year 2021. And Voila! You're all set to download the latest and greatest by the Helius Corporation. Don't worry, your steam key is not going anywhere. Then just simply click the 'Active a Product on Steam' button and add your steam key into the empty prompt. Now that you have obtained the key, it's just a simple action of clicking the ADD A GAME button down in the left corner of your steam client. Just go to the Project Helius website and obtain yours today by clicking the claim steam key button. For those still lucky enough to be within the time period of this game's launch, our lord and savior Helius has provided about 80 thousand keys. You read the text written on the game and it says you're playing the Demo edition.įret not, you just obtained the game in the way that's not best version but here is where the guide will help you.
You have selected this game as the choice game that you will use to bond together with your friends and family but you can't seem to access the download page or had gotten the wrong edition.